
I've got to ride...

*This fucking world of things to do...

*Follow-Up Dept: I’d just like to take a little time here at the top to express sheepishness over the half-enthusiasm I expressed toward Afro Samurai the other day - episode 2 aired last night, and it was embarrassingly dull. Stupid too, but I’d anticipated that. I guess I’d not counted on so little action, visual ingenuity or speed, though maybe I should have; it wouldn’t be the first anime (in either a broad sense or specifically from Gonzo) to come out swinging as soon as possible and then spend a big chunk of the middle acting drowsy, so history doesn’t bode well for the next few episodes. Truly, if you’ve ever seen a samurai/ninja anime at any point in your life, you’ve seen everything last night had to offer.

*Better Things Dept: Marc Singer’s review of MOME Vol. 4 was as excellent, as expected, but the resulting comments discussion deserves its own link. Many worthwhile things are said.