
Give thanks or else Easter Bunny will stuff your turkey with coal.

*Today is a day where we all give thanks for all of the things we're pleased with. A lot of people around these parts like to give thanks a lot; for example, the delivery folk who service my local comics shop were so busy giving preliminary thanks yesterday that they never quite got around to shipping most of this week's comics. So no Comics Journal or Apparat or anything; literally all I found was the new "Black Widow" and that third issue of "Nightjar" that came out a month ago (issue #2 is still MIA of course). Maybe later tonight I'll write those reviews in the spirit of giving thanks for whatever we've been given!

So I hope you all have a good time eating today or whatever it is you've got planned. Since I don't have many new comics to read I think I'll just bring a small selection of my favorite early 90's X-Crossovers to the family table so that I can engage in thanks and comics activism at the same time. If it's anything like last year I'll just lecture my baby cousins on Stryfe for a half-hour until everyone gets upset and makes me sit outside in the street while they throw fists of stuffing and turkey wings at me from the porch.

So Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who reads this, which is what I'm very thankful for. You all be good, and have fun.