
An unexpected load of things to do...

*Well, that was a busier Sunday than planned. Since Ingwit pointed it out in yesterday's comments thread, I think I'm going to stare at Turner Classics' Harold Lloyd marathon tonight, at least for a while - starting at 11:00 PM EST (er, hope you're reading this soon after it's posted), they're going to be running shorts with the audio commentary from New Line's new dvds - certainly that'll get me to watch Haunted Spooks again (though I'd probably want to see Lloyd's 'suicide' routine again anyway; many comedians of the day had a suicide routine, like Buster Keaton's in Hard Luck, enough so that such things could be parodied by the likes of Floyd Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse newspaper strip - of course, now that such things are less common in mainstream comedy, strips like Gottfredson's just look strange and distressing). Check it out - I think the whole marathon runs into the wee hours.

*From Heidi: apparently Marvel's direct-to-dvd Ultimate Avengers animated film, the first in a line of eight films released in partnership with Lion's Gate, sports some rather cost-cutting animation, even compared to various television animations in the superhero genre. That lines up with some of the things I've been hearing, which is too bad - often a focused, direct-to-home-viewing release affords an animated project a stronger opportunity for quality visuals, away from the hustle of television production. Or, at least that's how it generally works in the anime industry, where Original Video Animtion is fairly common (though less so now that it has been prior). Maybe the money just wasn't there?

*Ok, more stuff tomorrow.